Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cute Boys!

This is my homestay mother Aisha. She is absolutely adorable! Every time that I visit her she makes me play like ten games of Ludo (basically the Ugandan version of our Sorry). You couldn't pay me under any other circumstances, but I always have a great time and learned my Lugandan numbers at lightning speed. The day that we toured Jinja was the only time during training that the Peace Corps allowed us girls to wear "trousers". When I came out of my room that morning, Aisha looked me up and down and whispered under her breathe. Translated into English I'm willing to bet it would have sounded something along the lines of "I know you are not walking out of my house looking like that young lady".

Everybody loves monkeys! Must give the people what they want. This mamma and her baby were hanging out at the Entebbe Botanical Gardens where we were eating lunch one day in March. These guys are really common place here.

This Chamelion was hanging out changing colors at the teachers college that I do work with. I'm really pleased with the way that it turned out.

As per Aunt Kathy's request, I am sending another picture of Cassim. Now that aunt Kathy is a grandma I think it's best that we do what we can to accommodate her in this crutial milestone in life. I myself am doing all that I can from here in Africa. If this means sending her pictures of cute boys then so be it! I love you aunt kathy!


At 4:09 PM, Blogger chavez said...


Wow! Your life in Africa puts to shame my life here in the States ... a life of drinking and studying English. How have you been?! Looks like your having a crazy cool time in the Africa. We miss you. Keep safe and keep in touch. ( ). TAKE CARE!



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